Monday, September 02, 2002

OK, I stole this off H's blog. She got it from here Monday Mission 2.35 - I thought it was a riot.

1. What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you on a date?
hmmm... I'd have to say it's a toss up between the time we were driving past the cemetary and I made some really rude jokes in reference to the cemetary... then my date said "My mom's burried there." total silence on my part... Or the time we were out playing pool with some of his friends and I had a little to much beer and told one of his friends what I thought of him... and it wasn't very flattering... And unbeliveably he still married me!

2. Do you eat your veggies? I love veggies...

3. Most people are comfortable going to the bathroom in front of at least one person. Has anyone ever used the restroom in front of you that you wish wouldn't have? What happened and how bad was it? Let's just say I wish MOST people who are comfortable about using the potty in front of me would get past it and not do that! It's bad enough being a parent and having children who don't understand personal space (I do yell for my husband to get the kids out of my bathroom from time to time just so I can have some privacy!). I used to work with this one woman who used to hold conversations with people from in the stall! YIKES! I absolutly hated that.

4. Have you ever had a bad online transaction? You know, the item wasn't what you thought it would be, you got totally ripped-off, no refunds, it just plain sucked? What's the story there? Yeah I ordered some wooden blocks for my oldest once and when I got them they were really small and didn't look at all like the picture... But I got my money back and got to keep the blocks.. So no harm done

5. Ever have a current love find any old love letters (or similar item) you kept that probably should have been thrown away? How did that turn out? Hmmm... Just recently. When we moved into this apartment we were going through a box of papers and stuff of mine. He was helping me. He found this note that I had written to my boyfriend right before I started dating my DH. It was a note I had written him and he had written something back. My husband thought it was extremely funny. One time I found a picture of my husbands ex. She and I really did not get along..I affectionatly reffer to her as menion of Satan. I drew devil horns on her and gave her a black eye and blacked out a tooth or two, then put it back. He found it a couple of weeks later and called me laughing about it.

6. A secretary at work was telling me about a trip she took to Mardi Gras. She showed off her beaded necklaces and proudly said she "earned' each and every one of them (for those not familiar with this tradition, ladies walking up Burbon St. in New Orleans will flash people who are upon the balconies, in return the guys will throw them worthless plastic necklaces). I was shocked, I had no idea this quiet gal had a wild side. Was there ever a time when you did something totally outrageous because you knew no one would know who you were, or maybe didn't care even if they did? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yes! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No details.

7. Hey, what happened to you last night? I waited forever! Oh sorry... I wasn't feeling well.. took some tylenol PM and was out for the count. Maybe next time. You should have called first.

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