Friday, September 06, 2002

ahhh.. the Friday Five - be thankful - this saves you from some boreing crap I'd be writing about or worse some of my incessant whineing! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I made my hubby answer these also. I'll add his answers after mine.

1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?
What? Just one! i have to limit it! Damn! hehehe Well currently people who don't appreciate what they have and would rather bitch about their lives. This bothers me particularly because someone I know is bitching about her husband putting out a gazillion resumes and not getting a call back on them... mind you, her husband has a good job (as does she)... When I have a very good friend who has been out of work since May and he's got a wife and baby to support... luckily he has been able to do some consulting but he still does not have a permanent job... I have no idea how they are affording medical insurance... Yet he is not complaining, he's thankfull for the small amount of work he has gotten.

2. What irritating habits do you have?
Me?!?! I have NONE! Don't be ludacris! hehehe.. just kidding.. hmmm... I'd say I procrastinate on things I don't want to deal with.

3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be?
Depends, I am currently trying to change a lot of my bad habits... talk to me in a few months.. I may be just letting them be by then.

4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why?
Body Odor! Do I really need to explain why the stench of the unwashed masses grosses me out?

5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do?
Owning a really expensive car simply because of it's brand name.... I'm sooo damn cheap.

And here are the responses by my DH:
1. Biggest pet peeve. Not keeping an appointment or promise
2. What irritating habbit do I have? Expecting everyone to read my mind instead of telling people what's on my mind
Also, just letting things go...
3. I've tried to change them.
4. What grosses me out....I don't think anything grosses me out...
5. I don't see myself NOT being any differnt that the rest.

That's it for now! I have to go to the store to get some stuff for dinner. Making a Honey Cake for tonight. Yum.

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