Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Ahhh... finally a few moments to myself. And now... I'll start with a most ridiculous news item I heard on the way in this morning.. I suppose this would go under the category of utterly DISDAINFUL. So maybe it falls under the whiney category. I heard about some beauty pageant winner who may not be allowed to represent her state because of some topless photos - allegedly taken with out her knowledge by her boyfriend… OK.. How hypocritical is this? This woman got a title in a BEAUTY PAGEANT, a contest based on physical beauty and how well one looks in a swim suit, and they are bitching over topless photos? A contest of exploitation would pull someone’s title because of exploitative pictures? That does not make sense. What does that crown stand for anyway? "I’m the prettiest in the state"? So why does it matter if there are topless photos of her? I personally find these pageants to be demeaning and completely sexist. I’ve never liked these things. I’d like to hear about some kind of scholarly debate for their crown being pulled. "Miss Texas de-crowned due to alleged plagiarism in her physics thesis… Miss NC claims she stole her research material…" Not going to happen.

L - I do agree that Nicole Kidman is a damn good actress. I saw her in The Others (that’s the movie that gave a nightmare!) and in Far and Away. I’ve seen her in a few other things, she is quite good. I had to laugh my ass off at your comment about Tom Cruise. Hehehehe…

Someone recently suggested I read "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" I’m not sure who it’s by, I forget. They said it would be a quick read - maybe 3 hours and said it would change my perspective on life. Hmmm.. interesting. I was going to check that out today if I had time, but I think I’ll end up having to do that another day. If anyone has read this, please let me know if you think it’s worth reading. I’d hate to waste my time reading that when I could be reading something worth while like The Elvis Biography or the newest JLA comic book. (feel free to smack me for being an uncultured swine…). I remember the last thing I read that was a quick read and changed my perspective of life… Ethan Frome.. not exactly the HAPPIEST of literature… but… it was quick to read and I did enjoy it. How ironic that it would end so bitter and desperate…. *sigh* I need a novel to read… I’d be reading The Hobbit, but Dh isn’t done with it yet (grrr…) Oh and about that - he mentioned the other day I needed a novel to read I said "Yeah I know, I thought that’s why I bought The hobbit." Hmmm.. he was oddly quiet after that. Hahahaha… It’s not going as fast as I thought it would… He reads some of it most nights (he loves to read) but then he goes and works on his programming stuff. (he’s so smart, it trips me that he knows all this computer stuff).

Well my time is up now…

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