Thursday, September 05, 2002

Whew - what a day - I've cleaned my place. Well not completly, I need to clean off the computer desk and I have my load of whites in the dryer, so I'm almost done.

Wow... I'm a little sore today.. my arms. Hubby said he is also.

Last night, I could not sleep! I was up at 2 am! I hate that, I was trying, trying, trying to get to sleep, but no luck. I'm surprised I'm not totally wiped today, but I'm not. Not even after all the laundry, vacuuming, counter wiping, bathroom cleaning, mirror cleaning... I've noticed this place accumulates a lot of cob webs... ick. I know cob webs are spider sign and I really really hate spiders. I have tiny little spiders here. And crickets... and rolly poly bugs! My cat is quite the cricket hunter though. Since the cats have been back I've noticed a lot of cricket carcasses around. Bleck! I vacuumed up a couple today. I think a cricket was what was keeping me up last night... I kept hearing the damned thing chirping... I could not find it though... Should have let the cat in my bedroom to hunt it down.. but... I don't like the cat to sleep with me.

Alright I'm one step closer to having the laundry completly done. I have the whites all folded up, just need to put them away. I'll do that in a few mins..

OK, on to current events.. I've kind of been following this trial of the two King boys who are being tried for murdering their father. Gosh that is just horrid. These boys are 13 and 14 now, they were 12 and 13 when the killing took place. If they are convicted (which I have to say I hope they are as everything I've read points to them having done it) they will spend the rest of their lives in prison. Sad that children so young could do something so brutal.

OH well, enough depressing news... it's almost the weekend! (which really doesn't mean much to me since I work weekends.. but we are having friends over so that's something to look forward to.... ) I'm going to go play a game now...

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