Monday, December 30, 2002

Kissing Cousins...;o)

So I hadn't seen my family in 12 years (yeah, yeah, I know.. I suck... *hehehehe* That's why I'm so popular though... ;o) My sister, my brother and myself are the oldest of the grand children - we are the original 3 lol. (yeah I was so damn spoiled by them) We are all in our 30's (me just barely! *snort*) and the rest are mid 20's and younger. So the last time I saw most of the cousins they were just little kids... My one cousin... Wild Bill, was the cutiest little boy, and he was trouble with a capital T but I just adored him. Well he's 24 now and he is just as cute. That's not supposed to happen... Your not supposed to see your cousins after several years and have then hot and sexy... That's supposed to happen to other people... But no... Wild Bill and his brother Johnathan are just adorable... I can't believe it, I have a crush on my cousin... but fuck, D has a crush on Johathan, so I don't feel so bad... we are going to hell for this... I know it.. but damn.. they are NOT supposed to have turned out to be hotties! Yeah, yeah, I know it's wrong... they are our cousins... but cut me some slack, we didn't grow up with them... and they look mighty fine in a pair of jeans ;o) (no really, they do.. ) Besides it's not like we would hook up even if we weren't cousins... I may be available but Bill is married and living in Arkansas (no jokes about Arkansas bitches!)... Oh well.. it's a cruel joke of fate... having hottie cousins... ;o)

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