Wednesday, January 01, 2003

BOOK REVIEW!!! Desperation by Stephen King

I can NOT belive I forgot to do a review on the last book I read. Desperation is kind of the companion book to The Regulators... I say kind of because it is, but it isn't. It has most of the same characters, but in different roles and the antagonist is the same but the circumstances are different. The actual 'hero' of the book is a different character... or should I say 'anti-hero'. I liked this novel much better than The Regulators. I'm glad I read The Regulators first though, I would have been sorely disapointed if I had read the better of the books first. Desperation was much scarier than the other book, and was much smoother in writing, it also explained the antagonist better, which was a major bonus... and made it a much scarier antagonist. There was one element of the book that was very surprising to me. The element of religion. I've read many Stephen King novels, by no means all of his novels though, and this is the FIRST novel that I have read of his that dealt with the concept of God like this. It was a major element in the book, and I was very impressed with how King handled putting this element in his novel, making it an important element in the novel and not being the least bit blasphemos. When I first hit the religious parts of the book, I really did expect there to be some inappropriate jab somewhere in the book, but there were none. I liked the way he handled it. And I was even a bit surprised by the ending of the novel. Good novel... worth reading.

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