Monday, February 24, 2003

Awwww.... what a ... um.... UGLY baby!

Generally speaking babies are not ugly, some are funny looking and some are down right adorable, but most fall into the typical baby look, which is kind of cute and drooly. Premie babies look kind of funny for the first couple of months or so, but not generally ugly either. So anyway, towards the end of the day on Saturday, I took a picture of a baby boy that was a very unattractive baby... tiny and skinny, bald, wrinkley and a long pointy nose! YIKES! I take his picture (never mention that he's ugly...) and they come out good. Move on to the next person, then I'm done . I take my cart to the nursery to put it away, and while I'm transmitting the pictures for the day, a Dr. comes in to the nursery to do a circumcision. A nurse brings the victim - I mean patient - a few minutes later. Then I hear the Dr. & nurse talking about what an ugly baby this is. hehehehe... it was THAT baby.

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