Thursday, February 27, 2003

Word for the day: misogynistic
(m-sj-nstk) also mi·sog·y·nous (-sj-ns)
Of or characterized by a hatred of women.

Ahhhh L, you always challenge my intelect with your writing. I like that. I had to look up that word, although I had a pretty good idea what it meant from your writing. Well you, A & D all use big words *snicker* in your writing that sound so lofty and elegant, I generally don't because I have atrocious spelling and I'd mangle the spelling so bad no one would know what the hell I was trying to say. Anyway... on to the real subject - I don't watch 7th heaven (I generally don't watch many series shows) I think that many shows portray women in a negative manner, especially soap operas. It confuses me that such negative sterotypes are continually perpetuated day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Strong independent women are depicted as bitches or unattractive or both. The 'nice' women are weak, overly emotional, codependent and thankful for the 'big strong smart man' who helps them solve their little problems. Sadly, I have worked with several women who fall into that catagory - the helpless, weepy, 'in-need-of-a-man' woman - these women would cry at the drop of a hat and ask for days off because they were 'cramping'. The really sad part is that most men bought this whole act, and yes it was infact an act. All of these women I speak of were in no way helpless or 'in-need-of-a-man' to solve their problems, they just used that act to manipulate people around them. Pathetic. The worst I've ever done was move my car so that it was obvious that I had a flat tire so someone would come along and help me change it - and I only did that because I wasn't sure where to put the jack (my real intention was to get this guy to show me and let me change the tire myself - be he didn't do that, he just changed it). I worked with a woman who called into work because she had a flat tire (she had a spare in the trunk), she waited for 3 hours for Triple A to come change her tire - I lived in the same apartments she did - I moved my car and someone helped me within 3 minutes of me moving my car and getting things out of my trunk to change the tire myself - yes I was prepared to do it myself. Another woman I worked with would cry every time she got negative feedback from her boss. She would go to the bathroom and boo-hoo for 20 or 30 minutes. Everyone just got the impression that she was weak and unreliable and could not handle stress - so she never got a promotion (well that and the fact that she had a bad attitude). Granted, I've known women who played the victim card to get ahead in their careers (totally pathetic) and actually heard bosses give justification for giving these people preferencial treatment because "She's having a hard time since she's a single parent, etc., etc." that made me want to vomit. Anyway... this has really gotten off on a tangent now... Um... I prefer to watch true crime shows and things on the history channel, TLC or Discovery. he he...

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