Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Making Excuses For Life

My sister and I were talking the other day, she was frustrated because with a friend of hers. This is someone I know as well. D and Genna had an arguement... again... Genna is an abrasive, negative, depressive person. The specifics of the arguement are totally unimportant, what was is that Genna has a habbit of being a bitch and later explaining her actions by saying she was having a bad day, tired, stressed, worried, etc. but never really appologizing for her actions. Never taking responsibility for what she said or did. This type of behavior seems to be rampant. I know of several people who do this to excuse their bad behavior. I don't know where these people get that having a bad day, being tired, stressed, hungry, worried, etc., is an acceptable and excuseable reason for bad and abusive behavior. There are no excuses for taking things out on other people. I do realize that these type of things can make one more sensitive and more irritable thereby making it more likely that an arguement will happen. Still... not a good reason for acting badly. People know when they are having a bad day, are tired, stressed, hungry, worried, etc., and therefore should say so right away so that thoes around you are aware and will maybe take more care with their own actions as to not piss you off or you should watch your reactions very closely. I'm sure people are thinking, "Yeah right, eaiser said than done." Well, it is possible and I've done it. I've had probably the worst year and a half that I've ever had in my entire life, the last 7 months being the absolute worst ever. And I've been under an enormous amount of stress. I've had months and months of 'bad days' and I've had months of depression and worries. I did not take it out on other people, I did not sit around and feel sorry for myself, I did not continually complain about my sad, sad life. I did get help, I did talk to a counselor, I did talk to my dr. and get on anti-anxiety/depression medication, I did look for solutions and I did work hard to focus on how things would get better and what I could do to make my life better until my situation came to an end. Most people had no idea that I was going through anything, my hubby didn't even realize I was having such a bad time with anxiety attacks and depression. No I wasn't a saint during this time, and I didnt' always act nice, but when I was a bitch, I just said I was sorry and would work hard to NOT do it again, I didn't use my situation or mood as my excuse.

Someone said on another site I frequent, that the world could use a lot more kindness - I do agree with that, but I think the world needs a lot more common sense and a lot more people to take responsibility for their actions.

Ok, enough. I gotta go make lunch. ;o)

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