Monday, April 04, 2005

Starbucks Please!

I worked out today, truly an amazing feat. I was working out consistently until mid January when I got sick... a bad case of LazyAssItis. Anyway, I worked out again today... and I'm tired now. Fuck that was hard. Now I want a big Frappichino with Extra whipped cream! *sigh* but no such luck for me.


Is it blasphemous for me to want some chocolate Easter candy? and if so to what religion? It's not like bunnies and eggs are Christian symbols. Wonder about the special Easter Kit Kat bars... mmmmmm nondenominational Easter candy? They were good... especially the dark chocolate ones. Damn they were awsome. So good I'd probably cut someone if they stood between me and my dark chocolate Kit Kat. 'Gimme the fucking candy and nobody get's hurt!'

I swear an awful lot. Is it any wonder that one of my oldest's first words was 'shit'?

PMS fucking sucks! I need some Starbucks, some chocolate and some dick RIGHT NOW dammit! Okay, I'll settle for Starbucks, chocolate and batteries.

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