Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Moments That Define Life

The other day I was thinking about how some events really define one's life. I've found those moments to not be the huge events but the small ones. Ones that are often over looked. Things that pass by in the blink of an eye, things you don't realize are important and significant until later... when it's long past... and you wish that somehow you could go back to that event and record it in great detail so you can relive the sweetness of it over and over. Here are some of mine (be warned - there are lots of MOM moments)

The first time my hubby (then boyfriend) brought me a present just because. It was just a stuffed kangaroo he got as a promo from work, but I loved it.

My first car - driving just because there was gas in the tank.

My first sonogram for my first child.

Flying a kite for the first time (at 24) and laughing uncontrolably.

Exploring LA with my sister. (too bad more pictures didn't turn out!)

Watching my children fall asleep in my arms when they were babies.

Being told "Mamma, you're just like Wonder Woman!".

Feeling the warm breath of a child on my cheek as they nap snuggled up next to me.

When everyone tells me how good the dinner I slaved over is.

Taking the perfect picture at work.

Taking my children home from the hospital when they were just born.

Thoes are just some of them... there are hundreds more. For me these are moments that define my life, who I am, and color everything that happens after. Moments I sometimes forget. Sweet moments that make me smile just remembering. *sigh* I sound all sappy...

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