Friday, January 31, 2003

Sex Education Taboo in School...

Teacher fired after condom demonstration

Lately there have been several stories in the news that have really apalled me - one about a child chained to his bed by his foster mother, another about a child abandoned in a store, then there is the woman who is sueing for being sent the leg of her dead father, and many more, but this one takes the cake. A teacher fired for showing kids how a condom goes on (as demonstrated on a bananna) during a sex education class. What? Why is it that schools are expected to educate children on sex but not to discuss 'naughty' things like masturbation or condoms - much less any kind of birth control. And let's not even mention oral sex. Yet some schools are teaching about 'alternative lifestyles' (i.e. homosexuality) - which is fine, but why is abstinance the ONLY birth control the vast majority of schools are teaching? No wonder so many teenaged girls get pregnant every year, and the rates of teenagers infected with stds (including HIV) is steadily climbing each year. I remember being in high school, I would have loved to have had some kind of demonstration and frank discussion on condom use and other birth control methods... and yes discussing masturbation would have been useful as well. I'm sure most high schoolers would laugh and make jokes, but they would still get the information and some would actually learn something from it. I have a teenage nephew - who is sexually active (very much so from my understanding...) and I have asked him if he uses condoms, he assured me he does (and God I hope he really does), I know my sister has probably already had the big 'sex' talk with him, but I wanted to make sure, because I know that my mother and my aunts never ever discussed sex or birth control and definatly not masturbation (I actually checked out a book in the library to learn about these things). I know I would so much rather tell my daughters the straight truth about sex, birth control and alternatives to sex (masturbation) than have them find out the way most kids do.

This is the one quote that got me the most: "It's those kinds of demonstrations that we don't want in our schools," school superintendent Dan White said. Well what kind of demonstrations do they want in school?

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