Wednesday, January 29, 2003

More Weird Dreams...

I had this bizarre dream a few days ago, but it was so odd I haven't forgotten it.

I was with some of my relatives and some other people, it was some kind of big weekend get together. Someone there had these pets, they kind of looked like rats, but not exactly, and they were trained, they were kind of like itty bitty dogs. Anyway, I find out about some weird plott by this guy. He's planning to detonate a bomb that will kill people, but not damage structures or cars or anything..... just disentigrate people. So next thing I know I'm on a train tracking this guy. I catch up to him and he's detonated the bomb - the timer is going - and they guy jumps off the train (I had the cute little rat/dogs with me), I stay on the train with the bomb - it detonates and I'm disentigrated. Then I wake up.

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