Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Ah-ha! After much searching I found the 'Satan Cookie' e-mail ... for your reading pleasure... (this was written October 29, 2001)...

So my husband goes out with our daughter yesterday while I’m working and gets stuff to make a nice dinner for us. Well he also got desert for us… cookies… not just any cookies but the best cookies… really I mean it, the ABSOLUTE BEST cookies. They are sugar cookies, but they are soft and they are iced… yum…. Not something I would normally buy, and I never did … until.. my sister gave me one. And from that one cookie I became hopelessly addicted to these sugary delicacies. From that point on, I avoided them in the store.. sometimes it became hard as they were stacked in their shiny little boxes on a table near the entrance of the store, then I would eye them as I walked past. Look at them… consider how tasty they are… then I’d look at the price $3.99! That would send me on my way! (I’m sooooo cheap) Occasionally I’d throw caution to the wind and buy a box.. knowing full well that I would end up eating the majority of the cookies within minutes of the box being opened… OK slight exaggeration.. within hours though… an opened box never lasts a whole day. These are the only confection that has this evil mind control over me. And I rarely ever buy it. Otherwise I would never have been able to loose these 37 lb. I have and would have an embarrassing moment trying to explain to my Dr. why I would be existing on devilishly good cookies and milk. Sooo… anyway (gotten a little off the subject here… all that sugar is going to my brain!) Here’s the facts - I recently lost 37 lb., hubby knows this, hubby recently lost 20 lb., we both just joined a gym, he went shopping - unsupervised! - and bought not one, but two boxes of Satan’s little Sugar Cookies (my special name
for them) {His defense ‘They were buy one get one free!’ somebody kill him}! And now… now.. guess how many cookies remain (10 to a box)? 3.. just 3 cookies! (No I didn’t eat them all - he and our daughter helped). I fear stepping on the scale at the gym tonight. *sigh* So my question is Why are they sooooooooooooo good? Why can’t it be something like a banana or an apple? I’ve never heard anyone say "Oh those oranges were so good! I just could not stop eating them! I must have eaten 10!" Or "Gosh those carrots were soooo delicious, I just couldn’t stop eating them until I got to the bottom of the bag!" Oh well my only consolation to myself is that since my throat was soo sore from the Anthrax.. I mean Strep… I couldn’t eat hardly anything for 3 days… so.. maybe it all evens out… maybe… Oh well I better go use the rest of this sugar buzz to my advantage and finish cleaning my house! Ta for now! Watch out for those cookies!


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