Wednesday, October 16, 2002

whew... had to take a break from that book 'The Regulators'... why the hell do I read books like this? this is absolutly disturbing.. especially since someone has started terriorizing the DC area... a weird sniper in a van... Not entirely like this book, other than the weird sniper in the van part. Except... I can't stop reading this.. It's totally gruesome and disgusting.. but I want to finish the book. It's not one of SK's better novels either... very long - I'm only about 143 pages in a 470 page book... I'm going to have to actually either check this out from my local library or get a copy at half price or I'll never finish this bastard book.. and this is the kind of book that will haunt you.. make you wonder how it ends... come back to your subconcious and play it's little scenes out.. then stop... make you wonder what happend to the characters... who died next? make you hope it wasn't that one character that you really liked.. the one that made sense to you, like y'all had become friends... Make you wish for the asshole of the story to get blown away next... and no one else... and you HAVE to finish the book... absolutly HAVE to get it.. no matter how much you might not want to read anymore.. the morbid curiosity get's the best of you and nags at you until you finally give in and finish the book... giving yourself nightmares and unpleasant thoughts that sneak up on you at the most inopportune moments... SK's books always do that to me.. Damn myself for picking this one up. I've never left a King book unfinished.. and several of them have given me the nightmare that scares you even when the lights are on. Lots of them have left their nasty little footprints on my memory.. waiting to pop into my conciousness and give me goose flesh at a moments notice.. for instance.. anytime I see heavy fog, I can't help but get a bit of a chill as I think of The Mist... eeek! It took me years to be able to walk into a closet without getting the heebe-jeebies. Saint Bernards still make me all teary eyed and a bit frightened as I think back to Cujo... And damn it if I didn't pick up another of these books that only a psychiatrist looking to cash in on my neurosis would recommend to me... Now I'll have an uneasy feeling about vans... hmmph... well I should go.. gotta see if I can finish a couple more chapters before I go (yes I'm a glutton for punishment... I'll make sure to watch a nice Disney movie before bed, hopeing to disuade my feeble mind from the sure to be gruesome nightmares...)

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