Wednesday, October 16, 2002

OK, so here I am... done earlier than expected so I'm at the Public Library (hey... what exactly would a private library be? A bookshelf full of books at your own home? hmmm....). This is always such an experience. Such a lack of decent reading material.. Last time I was here I was reading one of Steven King's Bachman books.. I think it was called the Regulators or something like that. I went and looked at the book store for it a week or so ago but it was $8 for a soft cover copy! FUCK! I'll just check it out from the local library or find it at half price. Yeah I know... I'm extremly CHEAP.

Well I truly proved myself to be the Queen of the Dorks today. I was trying to EAT in the car... was just starving so I went through and got a chicken sandwich and fries... I rarely ever eat in the car... and usually have like french fries or chicken nuggets... well today I was not using my head at ALL. I'm trying to drive, hold this big ole' samich in my left hand and eat... I ended up dropping the damn thing on me half way through. I started laughing so hard. Luckily I have a brown sweater with stripes of varing colors so the mustard and tomato blend right in. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

Sheesh.. I wish I had something intelectual to discuss but... as usual.. I don't. Damn.. I have nothing of interest to discuss....

So.. I guess it's all that mental bloating for eating all that mental popcorn (read my first post for today.. the cryptic and stupid horoscope).

OH yeah one other dorky thing I did... this is kind of embarassing, but I'll tell you anyway.. your not right in front of me to laugh so what the hell (actually I'd have already told you if you were right in front of me HAHAHAHA)...

So I had gotten a large (i.e. bucket of) coke with my chicken sandwich and I really had to go when I got to the library. So I go in there.. *note.. this morning I had put on some pants that I haven't worn in years and years.. they have two buttons (I guess for extra security or something) and they fit great..* so I head right for the ladies room. Im trying to get the second button undone with the urgency of nature calling.. and I tore the button right off my pants! hehehehe... thank God for two buttons!

Oh well... hmm.. I guess that was funnier to me than anything... Sombody! Give me a topic to discuss!


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