Thursday, October 17, 2002

OK, I have a dilemma, I have a part time job that I love, but pays shit - $6 an hour (plus $2 commission on ever package I sell, $.50 on every picture I take but don't sell - I can take about 2 baby pics an hour). And the hours are not guaranteed. But I LOVE what I do. (I take baby pictures at the hospitals here). Now I have a friend who knows of a job, and can get it for me - and it would make $10 an hour working Friday Saturday and Sunday (those are days I already work now) from 10 am - 6 pm. But the job is a bit of a drive from where I live and.. the job is mind numbingly boring. I love love love taking the pictures, but I really would love love love making more money.. I need to see how long it would take me to get to work.. if I took the other job.

I need some feed back? WWYD? (don?t limit your answer to just these options either?)

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