Wednesday, October 16, 2002

OK, this made me laugh this morning - read my horoscope...
Wednesday, October 16 2002
leo horoscope

It's a sensitive Wednesday, Judy!
A passionate interchange with a partner could be the mental picture that stays in your head today. This inner film reel will keep you a bit detached from mundane chores, as well as satiating your desire for someone who currently cannot be with you all of the time. Get settled with some mental popcorn and enjoy!


Anyway - must welcome another reader - Peter - thanks for the nice e-mail this morning. Feel free to stop by my little Whine Cellar anytime. ;o)

Strange... last night I had bizarre dreams. One was odd.. it had all the facts correct... but it didn't happen like that? had all the main characters but not in the right time period or sequence... then I had an extra person in there who had nothing to do with any of this. Jake! Weird. I guess he got included because I was reading his blog last night.. and his bio on his blog (he's a cutie... but young...). Damn.. that was strange though..

Anyway.. must run.. have to dry my hair.. just needed to get warm from my ever so cold shower... since SOMEONE in this household used ALL the hot water on a marathon shower this morning. *sheesh*

Brrr... heading off to dry my hair.. then gotta go get that mental popcorn. ;o)

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