Thursday, October 31, 2002

I'm psyched for trick-or-treaters... which is funny because I live in townhouses so I probably won't get any... although there are a lot of kids here. I bought a little candy, mostly stuff I don't really care for so I won't eat it... I'm feeling kind of FAT lately, so I don't need to eat a couple of bags of chocolate tonight while watching scary movies. I'm so excited about watching scary movies also.. that's way lame I know.. but my hubby doesn't really like scary movies, and I've been craving BRAINS... I mean a good zombie movie.. I've got the classic for that... Romero's Night of The Living Dead...

Having a game this weekend, I just finished cleaning this place.. well not totally finished, I need to clean off the computer desk and the dining table.. just papers though. It is nice to have such a small place, doesn't take more than 2 hours to clean it. I should go clean my bathroom... getting hair tumbleweeds in there again.

Oh! I'm getting trick-or-treat'ers! YAY! And I'm making cookies... peanut butter chocolate chip.. so hubby doesn't snarf on all the candy. ;o) Well I guess I better go!

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