Friday, November 01, 2002

Nothing reminds me of Halloween from childhood like... PIXI STIX!!! (I had a hell of a time finding a link to Pixi Stix... I did a search for them and came up with a shit load of links for snorting pixi stix.... wtf?) My husband brought home 2 Pixi Stix for me! Except they are smaller than I remember... just a bit larger than a coffee stir stick... not like the regular size straw like I recall (although my memory is probably flawed). The Pixi Stix were the Holy Grail of the Halloween haul as a child. You only got a few of those and if you were really lucky you managed to get a GIANT PIXI STIX... You know, the straw that was almost as tall as you were, all filled with sweetened koolaid stuff. Kids were like little addicts with that stuff. Taking hits off your Stix... And with the big one, we'd all gather in a group on the play ground, wait for our turn for a hit off the GIANT PIXI STIX. hehehehe... those were the days... I'm not sure I'll eat my Pixi Stix I'll probably just keep them. I'm not even sure my 31 year old body could handle that much sugar anymore! HAHAHAHAHA....

Ahhhhhh... all the great memories of Halloween from when I was a wee child. D - brought up on her blog how we once were dressed up as Ghetto Ghosts. HAHAHAHAHA! I remember that! (For those who didn't grow up as poor as we did, Ghetto Ghosts are when your mom makes you a ghost costume out of sheets but doesn't cut holes in the sheet because that's all you have). Cheesy costumes... too much candy... *sigh* Halloween was fabulous.

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