Friday, November 01, 2002

I'm just glad work is over for today. I had 3 hospitals to cover today, no big deal. I decided to take the medium hospital fist, then the large hospital and the small hospital to finish as it's closest to my home. I go to the medium hospital and I have 4 babies to photo, it takes a couple hours and that puts me about an hour later getting to the large hospital than I had planned, but not a crisis. I get into the large hospital, get all my paper work together and go looking for catalogs... (which are very important to making sales in this job... and which we had about 150 or 200 on Tuesday when I covered that hospital) and there are NO catalogs at all. There's some cryptic note in the cabinet about using all the old catalogs before opening the box of new ones. I look everywhere, I can't find anything. I ask the head nurse, she has no clue. I spend 30 minutes searching, then decide I will have to go get some from another hospital, so I head off to the small hospital, take a picture there and take as many catalogs as can be spared - just 10!!! I didn't realize they were low on catalogs... I head back to the hospital. I've already missed people, it doesn't go smoothly... I'm pissed at the Monday-Thursday person, she called me last night but failed to mention any issue with catalogs!

OK, I'm done.. I've vented.... *sigh*

last night was fun, we had some trick-or-treat'ers. they were cute. We didn't have enough to take care of all of the candy... and hubby brough more home with him... that bastage! ;o) We watched Night of The Living Dead... thats a great movie. I think we had more fun yelling things at the television. Like after the truck stops burning and the zombies all start walking to it to get a bite to eat, we were doing our 'zombie' voices saying "Barbeque...." (we cracked up at the end when that redneck sherif says "looks like someone had a barbeque") when the zombies were at the door "Avon calling" "Take a WatchTower..." Anyway.. I guess you had to be there... we were laughing our asses off.

Then we watched Nightmare on Elm Street. It makes me laugh every time I see pouffy haired Johny Depp in that movie. I do love that movie... Freddy is my favorite slasher movie villian. Hubby had never seen that movie.. and I think he would have liked to have kept it that way. lol. Tonight we have Day of the Dead to watch. I'm hopeing to be frightened tonight (heheheh) I'd like something between bed wetting and a near death experience... ;o)

well I better go get dinner started.

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