Thursday, August 22, 2002

Damn, damn, damn... spider, spider, spider.. Ick! Ick! Ick! I really hate spiders. I killed one today. I was sitting on the sofa reading and I caught motion from the corner of my vision, I looked up and there was a spider scampering across the floor! I say scampering, he was almost hopping. That creeped me out quite a bit. I hate spiders, but I really despise spiders (and most bugs for that matter) that can HOP on me. That always causes me to do bizarre things like hop arround doing the bug stomp dance while making a high pitched squeal. This moment of panic has been the amusement of my hubby many a time. Well not tonight. The damned spider crawled under my cedar chest. Grrr... About an hour later I was at the computer (just a few mins ago in fact) and I saw that damned spider hop into my kitchen! I picked up one of my hubby's shoes (which were not supposed to be here by the computer, he was supposed to put them in the bedroom... but tonight I'll excuse him since they were useful) and smacked the crap out of that damned spider. Yes it's dead. In the garbage. I'm glad I used my hubby's shoe though, I hate to kill them with my own shoes.. I don't like the thought of walking around with dead spider on my shoe... might be bad karma... yeah yeah I know, I'm letting him have the bad karma on this one. But hey, he can always say he had no knowledge of the killing. hehehe. I hate spiders but Spider man was always my favorite super hero as a kid (no I haven't seen the movie). Aquaman is now... Batman comeing in second. yeah I read comic books... Blame that on one my hubby... his incredible geekiness has rubbed off on me... That's at least what I tell everyone...

I think I've talked my husband into working out with me. We used to do that about 6 years ago, and he was in really good shape back then.. I was about -- pounds lighter then also. he was being a jerk about it at first, but he's the one that had said he needed to start working out again since he was up to 242 lbs (yeah I will mention his weight on here, but not mine... sue me, I have a double standard... besides he only needs to loose about 30 or 40 lbs.. unlike me!).

Well I should go to bed... It's late..

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