Wednesday, August 21, 2002

I've got fish on the brain. Last night I dreamed I was swimming. I never go swimming. I don't even own a swim suit. But I did in my dream. I was at a friends pool (this friend does not have a pool IRL) and we were all swiming with our kids. Towards the end of the dream I realized I was in a swim suit and I got all self consious because it was not like anything I would really wear. very odd. But last night I also dreamed that I was going to dress up as Cleopatra. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! that was before the swim dream though. Freaky.

I saw this woman recently, she had her eyebrows waxed/shaved off except for a tiny strip about as wide as a pencil lead and about 2 inches long. It looked really awful. I do not know why women are plucking/shaving/waxing their brows off or down to a tiny pencil thin strip. It does not look natural. And it does not look pretty in my opinion. It looks stupid. I remember being a teen ager laughing at elderly woman who did that. Now a lot of young women and teen agers do it. Hmmm... wonder when it's going to happen that all women will have to get cosmetic surgery to fit the 'beauty' model.... For all you women who DON'T shave/wax/pluck their eye brows to a tiny line or worse until they are gone completly, I admire you. Oh yeah, I don't do that at all.. the places I have to shave/wax/pluck are necessary for me not to be considered a circus freak. Laser hair removal is something on my wish list. *sigh*

Better go.. have a lovely day....

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