Saturday, August 24, 2002

hehehe... yeah I told you I'd be over being upset today. My friend called and told me that they were unavoidably delayed and appologized profusely. I'm just a big baby who had to whine about it last night. *snicker*

I should be heading out the door, off to work right now, but I'm not. I'm sitting here yawning... I didn't get to sleep until after 4:30 am DAMN! I went to bed before that, but then I couldn't fall asleep. The last thing I remember was rolling over and looking at the clock - it was 4:30.... (don't you hate that, when your trying to sleep, and you can't but you keep looking at the clock like somehow knowing what time it is will make your brain say "Holy shit! It's that time?!? We have to get up in 2 hours! I better let you sleep!" But I did go to sleep, and I didn't hear any mouse noise. There's probably no mice.. just me imagining it... Im mouse crazy....

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