Monday, August 19, 2002

I'm all done with my laundry.. All quiet here. I looked up some info on gold fish. I wanted to see how long they live. I started wondering after I read a story that involved goldfish last week. Well... let me tell you.. it is MUCH longer than I had expected. The longest living gold fish was 43! Damn! I thought after a year or so it's time to head to WalMart for another $.39 fish... or hope that my child would no longer be interested in any aquatic pet/creature. Goldfish, if taken care of well, can live about 10 years or so... WHAT?!?! That's like having a cat or a dog or some REAL pet! A goldfish is NOT a real pet, it is a self propelled nic-nack that I feed a few times a day. It does not provide the emotional connection that a REAL pet does. Hmmm... and I take good care of this little bugger... but... I didn't want him forever... Anyway.... on to other things.. I was looking at the page and saw "first aid tips for your goldfish". Huh? First aid? For your GOLDFISH? you've got to be kidding. Come on, isn't the first sign of trouble most of us notice is when the fish is floating on the top? Then the only 'Aid' it needs involves sooping and flushing. They even had a little paragraph on giving fish CPR. As if! Sorry Spike, but that's not going to happen. If you have a heart attack in that tank, your just going to go to fish heaven (via the comode that is hehehe). Ya know, here I am painfully disinterested in my fish, but not willing to let him die, or worse to kill him (that would just be wrong) and this little fucker is probably going to live well past my children going off to college. I'll be an old old woman with a big goldfish.

I just had to share.. I felt it was just something rather rediculous.. fish CPR....

L - clasper... *snicker* Go sharks!

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