Monday, August 19, 2002

Well A I'm glad your feeling better today... and.. if you ever do have a body stashed in your trunk.. give me a call... I'll help you with that. ;o) That's what friends do, laugh at you when your drunk, help you clean up if you puke, help you get rid of a body and buy you ice cream and chocolate when you are down. Who know's I may need your help stashing a body some day. hehehe.. just kidding.. I prefer to stick with voodoo dolls. *snicker* that was funny... get it... Stick... voodoo dolls... stick... get it? hehehe.. Ok, I'm amuseing to my self at least...

Wow - L - I hope you can go on that Alaskan cruise! That would be incredible... and in my opinion far superior to the Hawaiian vacation... well except for the bare chested guys serving frozen drinks... can't beat that.... but... Alaska has a ratio of like 10 men to every woman... Alaska has promise... ;o) My hubby and I had planned to take an Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon, but then changed our minds... we wanted to go to New Orleans and stay in a haunted plantation that is now a hotel... but we changed our minds (yet again!)... ok, it was me that changed my mind... so we took a road trip through Oklahoma - went to Turner Falls... I had seen this amazing picture of the falls and thought it would be extremely romantic to get a cabin there... they advertised that it had no television or phone... perfect for a honeymoon... Well... Turner falls was amazing... from the place they took that damn picture! It wasn't all that when we saw it up close, and it was more of a family place... swimming and all... not my cup of tea... also the cabin had a television and phone... ho hum... we did have fun, we explored the caves and a fort that had been built up there... The next day at Arbukle Wilderness park was a blast. Anyway... We should have saved the money on the wedding, eloped and took the Alaskan Cruise instead. Although now I have been thinking about taking a trip back to Turner Falls and the wilderness park, I know the kids would love it... LOL Damn, I sure ramble.

Well I finally watched the entire movie Lord Of The Rings. It was really good. Took me 3 days to watch it... *sheesh* a 3 hour movie is way to long for me to sit still and watch from start to finish. But I enjoyed the hell out of it. I didn't watch the beginning of it.. but on Friday night I started watching the middle of it (I never do that!) then went to bed, it was so late.. then watched the end of it Saturday. And on Sunday I said I wanted to watch the beginning of it. So hubby stuck it back in lol. I figured what the heck, it was 10 pm and we didn't have anything else to do. I never read the Lord Of The Rings, but I did read The Hobbit when I was 9 or so. It was a very enjoyable movie.. I think I may have enjoyed it most because we do play AD&D and that elvin fighter kicked some major ass. Well that and that hot ranger, Arogon.... mmmm he was nice to watch.. such penetrating eyes... his character kicked ass in a fight also... to bad we don't have characters like that in our game... we wouldn't end up running so much. HAHAHAHAHAHA! OK, enough game talk, now everyone knows I am a gaming geek.

I ended up working out last night, we took a nice long walk before dinner. We have such a nice neighborhood it's nice to take a walk. Oh speaking of walking - A - congrats on your little lady walking! YAY! ... or should I be sending a sympathy card? Now she is even MORE mobile and that much harder to keep an eye on. *sigh* hehehe... Tell me what size she is wearing now.. it' time to clean out the closet again, I figured you could get first pick of the clothes before I send them off to charity.

Must run for now. Almost done with my laundry. I need to clean up from lunch and get dinner started in the crock pot while it's all quiet here.

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