Friday, March 21, 2003

I Am A Book Whore!

Today we went to the Hastings that is closing soon. They have 30-50% off everything in the store. I got the cookbook I mentioned earlier, hubby got a book - a module for 3rd Ed AD&D, Super Girl got a yo-yo book and a yo-yo and I got Coraline by Neil Gaimen... and Cabbage Patch swiped a Garfield book - luckily hubby noticed that she had taken a 5 finger discount before we got to far from the store and he returned it. Sheesh... my baby has criminal tendencies and she's not even 2!! (yeah I know this is normal for all little kids to do, my oldest has swiped many things in her toddlerhood - she even swiped something right infront of a friend who is a Priest... remember that D?) Anyway, when the kids went down for naps I took my new books and layed down on my bed to read. It struck me as funny, because I had books on my bed from this morning when Super Girl came into my bedroom to wake me (way to early this morning) and I had her get some books to read quietly so mommy could sleep a little longer... it didn't work... she didn't read quietly... hehehehe... So I started reading Coraline. It's a young adult book, I got it because I love the writer and I wanted to read it to my girls when they are a bit older (and will sit for a book that does not have pictures on every page). I'm truly enjoying this book, it's wonderful. I realized today that I really love children's books. I have collected children's books for many many years, mostly just story books and fairy tales and of course the classic tales by Anderson and Brothers Grimm. But I do love the kind of older children's books, not really 'story' books persay and not young adult books either. Some of my absolute favorite books were older children's books Edward, Hoppy & Joe, Podkane of Mars, Ribbsey are just some of the favorites I read when I was young. Hmmm.... what are some of your favorites from your youth?

Hmmm... Back to my book!

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