Wednesday, March 19, 2003


Anyway - Sheesh - some men are total pigs. So I'm talking to this guy online, he sees my picture and in the conversation he says something about how he and I would make beautiful children, I just laugh. Then he says how 'Perfect 10' women make ugly babies, he'd rather have an average looking woman. I tell him that's not very complimentary, I consider myself to be above average looking. Then he says "well you have a double chin, so that detracts, but with your long long hair your a 10 to me." then he adds "And with your 129 IQ your an 11." So I'm thinking "FUCK YOU." Shit, never tell a woman you don't think she's beautiful - hell even just saying that she's pretty is enough, but fuck, don't tell me your shallow numerical rating for me. And I guess the thing that was pissing me off was that he's assumeing that I have an interest in him!!! NOOOOOOO!!! Sheesh, like I'd go out with someone who is so critical. He made some comments about things I'd have to change to be with him. Which I didn't even KNOW what to say to him, because I kept thinking "Ummmm... I don't think so! The more you talk the less I like you." Shit, that guy pissed me off. I sure as hell don't want someone who's going to say how they will only be with me if I loose some weight - I want someone who wants ME for me - who I am now - not who I might be if I weighed 20 lbs less. damn... What a jerk. Fuck him - I'm sexy no matter what the scale says.

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