Tuesday, October 22, 2002

hmmm.. I think I'm being stalked! Just kidding... No one would stalk me.. I'm FAR to neurotic for that... (oh... a new subject to write about... give me just a minute to finish this lame thought before I go on to that!) There are these two guys who are ALWAYS at the gym when I go work out. I sometimes get lazy and don't go on M-W-F so I'll go the next day to make up for it, then get right back on schedule (at least I try)... anyway.. these two are always there. I call them Dumb and Dumber. They truly are. Once they were talking with another hot bodied moron, compairing at what grade each of them had been held back in school! Shit, that is not something I'd be bonding over. It was so stupid, they were talking about it like it was something to be proud of. Another time they were discussing trucks... most of the rest of their conversations are so moronic that I can't bring myself to recall the subject matter. It's really a shame... such incredible bodies and no place for a brain. Today they finished up their work outs near me, which is a rareity since they generally stick with the free weights and I am a weenier and stick with the machines (less chance for me to fuck it up somehow), and they were oddly quiet today... that made them somewhat more attractive.

OK, back to the other subject... stalkers... I've never had an ex-boyfriend stalk me... I've known plenty of people who have, but I haven't. I don't know why that is.. and I don't know if I should be insulted or not. I've even had a psychotic boyfriend (really, he was... certifiable.. been diagnosed..) but even he didn't stalk me. I've had the occasional pissy ex who decided to diss me but that's about it. One person I know had an ex who she had to get a restraining order for, moved so he would not know where she lives, he called her all the time at work... she was on the brink of a nervous break down... (actually ALL of this person's ex's were like that...) another person's ex decided to go to the bar she would go to every week, then confront her and tell HER to stop hanging out there... she also seemed to attract the psycho type. And YET another person had an ex who told her he would cut her up and throw her body parts on the side of the road... hmmm.... again this was NOT her first psycho stalker ex boyfriend... I could go on and on about one of her's in particular, but I don't want to think of him anymore than I have to... ick. And me.. I've never had a stalker boyfriend, never had a bad break up (granted most of my break ups just involved me not calling them anymore or taking their phone calls), heck I've even still be friends with some of my ex-boyfriends... *sigh* Oh well... I guess I just don't rate as being so unforgetable that someone just could not let me go. *pout* *pout*

Anyway.. about stalkers (yeah I am just getting all distracted here), why is it that neurotic whackos are never stalked? It's always a normal person being stalked by a whacko.. never a whacko stalking a whacko... why is that? *sigh* I guess the world will never know...

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