Thursday, October 24, 2002

Thanks to Jake for 3X Thursday 10/24/2k2 Eat Your Veggies

1.Have you ever thought about being vegetarian? If you have not then why? If you are vegetarian then why?
Fleetingly I have, but that usually lasted until my next dead animal filled meal. I like meat. All kinds of meat. If it's in the meat section somewhere, chances are I'll eat it. Nothing compairs to the real thing.

2.So do you like to eat your veggies? What fruit and vegetables do you like to eat?
I love veggies. I eat most veggies except onions and bell pepper (except in cajun food.. then I'll eat them). I don't really like a lot of fruit. I like berries... the occasional apple or orange... maybe a bananna. When I was pregnant with my first child fruits and veggies made me throw up. I could not even walk through the produce isle at the store without feeling sick... And just the sight.. no just the smell of a bananna made rush to the toilet.. I've never really gotten back to where I like fruit all that much.

3.What vegetarian food do you like? It can be made with dairy just not meat. Pick one non-meat food or drink that you think is groovy.
Well.. that's a misleading question... since I like most foods. I think you mean "What vegetarian dish do you like?" I mean I could just say strawberries. But I love a good spicy vegetable stir fry any day. Bean and cheese burritos - YUM! Pan roasted veggitables over pasta - to die for. Veggetable lasagna (the stuff I make) rocks. I do like the veggie burgers - the black bean ones are my favorite. I like the ones that aren't supposed to taste like meat... those are vile.

Bonus Question for the Comments: What is the tastiest beverage ever? Bailey's Irish Cream - it's even good on cereal ;o) or a good ice cold root beer in a frosty glass (A&W)

OK - I have to make a few comments - maybe in appropriate... but I'm still going to spout off. I've known (still know) lots of vegetarians. And I have no problem with the non-meat or meat product eating populace. I don't like the one's who try to make me feel guilty for eating a hamburger though. I do have a question for those who abstain from the tasty flesh, if you don't like meat, why do you make fake meat products? Like fake meat hot dogs (as if they aren't artificial enough!)? Fake meat chicken nuggets? Is someone going to come out with a fake meat SPAM sometime soon? Ya know, when I have a meatless meal, I don't even want it to hint of dead animal, I like to enjoy the flavors of the veggies. Alright, I'm done now.

AND on that note... This Little Piggy Was Used For Xenotransplantation Research. Yeah that will make you think twice on that pork chop... ;o)

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