Monday, October 21, 2002

OK, here are my answers:

Monday Mission 2.42

1. Have you ever felt like you were expected to set a good example for others?
oh yeah, especially when I was a Sunday school teacher.

2. What keeps you on the right path? For example, why do you think you turned out the way you did as opposed to the nut ball sniper out there?
Hmmm... I'm not sure. Maybe that my parents were strict about some things, and they really stressed that if I screwed up I'd have to be responsible for it. Also, they were not in the habit of bailing me out of my mistakes... We never really discussed a lot of morals and ethics.. but they did stress that if you were expecting to be treated as an adult you were expected to be responsible for your own actions, that lieing was unacceptable and that disagreeing was ok, but being disrespectful was not.

3. Sometimes things seem different than they really are. When was the last time you believed something to be one way only to learn you had it all wrong?
hmmm.. that actually has happened a lot. I care not to get into that on here...

4. Can you recall a time when being alert and observant kept you safe?
Let's see... that would be anytime I have to drive to or from work! Or anywere in this crazy city!

5. Who in your personal circle of relationships do you think is smarter than you? Are they smarter in just one area, or overall? How do you feel about that? How do they interact with you?
Well actually a lot of the people in my circle of friends are smarter than me in a lot of areas. I know a lot of people with multiple degrees, etc. No I don't think they are smarter overall.. I don't think anyone is smarter than me overall (or anyone for that matter)... maybe in a lot of areas, but not overall... there's always going to be someone who is smarter in someway, but there will always be areas that I am much smarter in than they are. Eh, it's just life, doesn't bother me. My friends and I are all on equal footing socially - I have one who I am extremely competitive with as far as games are concerned - he's one of the multiple degree people - I beat him in just about every game we play and that just chaps his ass. Occasionally I thow him a bone and let him win a game but that just makes him paranoid. HAHAHAHAHA! Yeah I like fucking with him like that.

6. Let's daydream a little: Describe in detail the most perfect lazy day, start to finish.
OK, this is just how I feel about this today.. tomorrow I might have a different answer... but right now in this time it would be to sleep late, then get up and have a breakfast of chocolate covered donuts (Krispy Kreme only please) with chocolate milk, then go back to bed to read until I fall asleep again (which would not be long with a carb overload like that) then get up sometime later to recline on the couch and watch cartoons for a while, takeing time to play computer games as well.. and having someone bring me lunch of Taco Bell... Watch more cartoons, maybe some brit comedies, South Park or Farscape, have someone else make and serve me dinner, then watch a movie that's so funny milk comes out my nose (even if I'm not drinking it) and my sides hurt, then sit and solve the world problems and discuss politics until I'm sleepy and head off to bed.
I'm feeling severly lazy today.

7. Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what as? If not, how come? What is the most favorite costume you ever had?
Probably not, no real reason to dress up. Hmmm.. probably the butterfly costume my mom made me when I was 3. I've never had a cool costume as an adult *sigh* I always spend so much time getting everyone else's costume made and ready that I NEVER give myself enough time to make one for myself.

BONUS: Come on baby tell me what's the word? KFC gravy

Today's Comment Question: What gives you the creeps? Spiders! Big nasty spiders! EEEKKK!

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