Wednesday, October 23, 2002

OK, this poll is from L.. and I think it merits deep thought...

What is your definition of betrayal?
Hmmm that's a really good one.. but I guess it's doing something to someone to hurt them intentionally.. stabbing someone in the back.. being a false friend... being disloyal..

Has a friend ever betrayed you? If so, was it in a big way or a little way?
well I've had it happen in small ways and in big ways. Small ways as in a friend who I told something to in confidence telling someone else the information I didn't want them to know, in big ways... someone I thought was a friend screwed (literally) me out of a job. And there have been others...

Were you able to forgive that person? If so, why? If not, why not?
The person who betrayed my confidenced? Yeah, mostly.. because I know she was just doing it because of her own insecurities and want for popularity. The bigger ones... hmmm... maybe.. it's hard to say, sometimes I'm still hurt by all of that. I try. I don't want to be a hate filled person and I know it's the right thing to do... forgive them. Even if I still don't like them, or want shit to do with them anymore, it's right to forgive them.

Have you ever betrayed a friend? If so, why?
I have, I admit with much shame. I talked about some women I worked with to gain favor with someone. It was wrong and this person is a really evil person who doesn't deserve anyone's time or attention. I appologized to one of the women, she accepted... she actually never was angry with me for it.. she's a much better person than I am and that made me feel like a real shit for having talked about her like I did. The other woman would not talk to me after, and I can't blame her. I was a real shit to her.

If someone attaches himself or herself to you with no encouragement, and you go along with the friendship, but eventually break off contact because you really don't like the person, is that betrayal? If not, how would you define the behavior?
No it's not betrayal. It's just a friendship (or whatever) running it's course. There are several people I have been friendly with at different places of work, or church or where ever, but when the convenience of the friendship ran out of us.. it just ended.. no hard feelings. No one should feel guilty for not wanting to be around someone you don't really like.

Someone courts your friendship until you eventually begin to depend on the relationship, but when the purpose of the courtship has been achieved, he or she becomes distant and unresponsive. Is this betrayal? If not, how would you define this behavior?
Hmmmm... Not necessarily betrayal. Sounds like boredom.

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