Monday, October 21, 2002

Shoot.. I talk to much don't I? I was just looking at other people's answers to the questions, and no one else has paragraphs for answers.. sheesh.. not that any of you really give that much of a crap about my answers. *sigh* I guess I need to learn how to be consise in an answer.

Anyway... I have something else to ramble on about for a bit.. I had considered breaking my rule about discussing politics as there are so many topics in that arena that I could spout off about, but I decided to step away from the computer and have a 'cooling off period' so to speak, and came to the conclusion that politics are best left to others to discuss on their blogs. But! I do have a good topic to discuss.. It could sort of be considered political in a way.. probably just rediculous though.. and that's RIGHT UP MY ALLEY! ALIENS!

OK, watching Star Trek (Don't laugh at me! I know I'm a geek!) and I started thinking of a friend of mine (who will remain nameless on here so as not to be guilty of slander or just posting about what a dork he really is) who is into this SETTI thing (don't ask what that means, it's something about aliens and listening to space...) then I started thinking about some other alien movies, like "Invasion of The Body Snatchers", "Invasion from Mars", "Mars Attacks", etc. (yeah I know, I've seen way to many bad movies...). Most of the Star Trek movies make the aliens something worth knowing and being allies with... then there are the other movies that make the aliens out like monsters and all... Me personally, I have NO clue if there are aliens out there or not, and if there are, I'm not so sure I would want them here on Earth... but I'm also not sure I wouldn't want them either. (how's that for stradling the fence!) I mean if they were cool like the Star Trek aliens or even the ones of 'V' then sure I'd like them to be neighbors and all but if they were creepy and evil like.. all the rest of the movies.. fuck them. Although.. if they are smart aliens, they'd probably just detour past Earth - we humans have done plenty to this planet to fuck it up, I doubt they'd want to make it their next vacation spot.

hmmm... maybe I should stop.. I had this thought in mind a few days ago, and I wrote it down.. now here I am trying to write about it.. and it's totally not what I had intended.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Insanity...

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