Saturday, October 26, 2002

Well I'm back from work.. and it was a pretty decent day, had the cutiest twins to start the day with. I had a nasty little note from the weekday person regarding me leaving too many people to be done for her. Well tough shit. I am not going to badger people. And I did a retake for someone today, when I got done she mentioned how the photographer yesterday was being bitchy and they didn't like her. Some people are more interested in making numbers not making good pictures.

Today would have been my mom's birthday, she would have been 54. It's funny I really haven't thought about it all that much. It's really just another day. It's been a long time since she passed away... and... well mom never liked to celebrate her birthday. She was never embarassed about her aged, she just didn't like birthday parties for herself.

I miss mom. She was funny.

I met my sister today after work (gave up my nap time for you D!). I knew she might be a little sad because of today being mom's b-day. We had a nice time today. Walked around Half-Price Books, couldn't find the 2 books we were looking for, then off to the mall for the freak show. Ahhh the mall.. I'll write about that a bit later.. I was actually taking notes of things so I could accurately write about them (make fun of the freaks). It was an experience.

I hope D had a good time, I did. And I hope she doesn't miss mom to much.

If mom could get the internet in heaven, this is what I'd write her:

Dear Mom,
6 of your birthdays have passed since you left us. So much has changed in that time. Our hearts have healed, though we thought they never would. Our tears have dried, some of our memories have fades... memories of the pain and sadness. All that remains is the memory of your smile and your laughter.
I still miss you, you'll always be with me in my heart.

That's all... I thought I was going to write more... but, that's all I need to say. I just realized that I was 25 when my mom passed, it was the month after my birthday, Jake turned 25 recently and I told him that 25 was one of my best birthdays... and I just remembered why... it was the last one my mom was here for.

OK, enough of that... go call your mom.

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