Monday, October 21, 2002

Woooo hoo! It's MONDAY! time for the *drum roll please*

Monday Mission 2.42

1. Have you ever felt like you were expected to set a good example for others?

2. What keeps you on the right path? For example, why do you think you turned out the way you did as opposed to the nut ball sniper out there?

3. Sometimes things seem different than they really are. When was the last time you believed something to be one way only to learn you had it all wrong?

4. Can you recall a time when being alert and observant kept you safe?

5. Who in your personal circle of relationships do you think is smarter than you? Are they smarter in just one area, or overall? How do you feel about that? How do they interact with you?

6. Let's daydream a little: Describe in detail the most perfect lazy day, start to finish.

7. Are you dressing up for Halloween? If so, what as? If not, how come? What is the most favorite costume you ever had?

BONUS: Come on baby tell me what?s the word?

Today's Comment Question: What gives you the creeps?

Thanks to Promoguy

Please answer these and post your answers for my amusement. hehehe..

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